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« Feeling like a kid - Golden Graham squares | Main | Happy Easter! »

April 02, 2010


I made this for my mom on her birthday. She loved it, and so did my dad! Being that I don't like cheesecake, I couldn't very well judge the flavor, but they said the filling was perfect! Next time I might try to make the crust without the cocoa. It seemed a tad bitter. Thank you for the recipe!


I stumbled across this recipe and the other day my friend and I set out to make it. While we ended up making a few modifications, the basic cheesecake was totally awesome. Thanks so much for posting this!

I LOVE this!

Wow I love how it is dotted. A perfect presentation an amazing cheesecake

This is so cute! Absolutely love it, just as much as I love cheesecake.Replica Alain Silberstein guide

An impressive recipe, I will have to try this. I have friends visiting next week so this will do nicely. Thank you

Great recipe! I am going to make the Cheesecake and polka dots for my bunco party tonight. I know the girls will love it.

amazing. oh, i can't wait to make this. i love polka-dots!

I'm hungry now...this page is amazing

Hello Geoghegan,

if you cannot find graham crumbs I suggest using a graham cookie and just crush it or whiz it in a food processor until you have the desired amount. Any hard graham biscuit should do the trick.


what cani use as a replacement to graham crumbs, as i cant find them in the UK. thanks

Make me hungry.. and very creative though with the polka touch

another way to make cutting cheesecake easier is using floss!

WOW!! This looks AMAZING! Love the polka dots. Going to try and make it.

This cheesecake looks incredible, nice work!


that looks so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That cheesecake has a very nice presentation and now looks more yummier for eating.

I was under the impression that a bain marie was when you place ramekins or tins on a baking sheet filled with hot water to keep the tops from cracking and even out heat distribution. What you described as a bain marie seems to be a double boiler.

Ooh, looks like a great recipe...

I have an interesting twist to it though--do you think it would be possible to substitute raspberries for the chocolate? Alas, my fellow homedwellers aren't big into chocolate, but we have this can of raspberry topping (like the kind you'd normally pour into a pie crust) and want me to do something with it. Curious curious... might try. Looks like a beautiful cheesecake recipe!

I hope you're not married. I'd like to get there first!

This cheesecake is beyond amazing! Beautiful work :)

DARLING! I never would have thought of that. I love the dots.

what a great idea. Inspired me to try a pumpkin polka dot version. First one came out pretty spot on - pun intended. Ha. Think it'll be perfect for Thanksgiving.

Fabulous idea and a great recipe. Love your eye for detail, too. That shot of the batter drip is so great :)

I think my favorite thing about this recipe is that it was inspired by a raincoat. That is saying a lot since there is cheesecake and chocolate involved.

Looks wonderful! Would be great dish to bring to a dinner party. Thank you!

This cheesecake is gorgeous! Sign me up for a slice, or 4!

Beautiful! I made a polka dot cheesecake last year but it didn't turn out so rich looking...hmmmmm

I can't wait to try this! I will have to tell my sister because we both love cheesecake and chocolate! Its great when they are together!! Thanks for sharing this!

Wow that is really nice thank you for sharing..

I love this, it's awesome! Bookmarking!

Maida Heatter created a wonderful polka dot cheesecake based on Craig Claiborne's basic cheesecake recipe. Saveur Magazine published her version several years ago. Hers is remarkable for its symmetry. You can find her version here:

Love it! Super cute, but SO delicious too.

Wow I love how it is dotted. A perfect presentation an amazing cheesecake!

Great recipe!
Thank you for posting.

Greetings from Germany!

Well it's a dessert you tool bag.

Sorrybut i just must comment on here , Nothing personal but here ( on Stumble ) almost without exception every single recipe is either very high in sugar or very high in fat .

Anything with cheesecake and choc is great. This looks delicious. Thanks for sharing. <3

i made the polka dot cheesecake for work, and everybody loved it. they were asking what bakery did i buy it from. when i told them i made it they were begging for the recipe

Sherry: I definitely think you could use colours. I have been meaning to try it myself just haven't gotten around to it yet!

What a clever idea! The cheesecake is adorable!

wow this is awesome. I can't wait to try this. do you think you could use colors can chocolate?

Girl.. I'm telling you, take this stuff off the web and put it in a book!!! Take your ideas to local TV stations. see if you can do segments on the end of the News a few time a month. You are short changing yourself. Very creative gal.
(my family member works for a famous cooking personality., I know what I am saying).

Will be waiting for the next raincoat inspirations. Looks great!

This is a brilliant idea! Thank you for sharing it!

Too cute to eat... nahh, perhaps not!!

Wow, you are such a creative person. The cheesecake looks really good.

Oh man, this looks delicious. Easter is the worst time for me, with all the chocolate and sweets, but I'd make an exception for this (again).

Cute idea!

How cute!

This. Is. The most. Adorable. Cheesecake. EVER. I'm making this for my boyfriend since he loves cheesecake.


What a creative idea! This is a designer cheesecake :).

Absolutely fantastic. Love the dots.

This makes eating cheesecake more than just delicious - it's also fun.

This is so cute! Absolutely love it, just as much as I love cheesecake.

Wow, Cheesecake and polka dots. My two favourite things in life.... Very clever idea, and looks so tasty.

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